The Crazy Kitchen: Diabetic Toffee & Chocolate Cake

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Thursday, 23 January 2014

Diabetic Toffee & Chocolate Cake

Last January I was asked by a friend if I could make a Ferrero Rocher chocolate cake for her daughter's 10th birthday. This year she asked me again to make a chocolate cake, but this time it would be a different kind of chocolate cake as her daughter was now a newly diagnosed diabetic.

I searched the Internet to see if I could find a cake that would be suitable that didn't just have sweeteners in it instead of sugar as they can often have an after taste.

I came across this one on Pinterest and thought it would be just the job. Instead of a buttercream frosting I decided to use my usual cream cheese frosting, but instead of adding chocolate spread to the cream cheese I added diabetic chocolate for the topping and diabetic toffee for the filling. The cake would also be suitable for those needing egg free and dairy free recipes (without my addition of the yoghurt and cream cheese frosting). 

Diabetic Toffee & Chocolate Cake

Diabetic Toffee & Chocolate Cake

400g chopped dates
120g rolled oats, ground
6 ripe bananas
250ml rapeseed oil
100g cocoa powder
100g rye flour
150g plain flour
6 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
150g Greek yoghurt
  • Place the chopped dates into a bowl and pour on boiling water until they are just covered - leave for an hour or so
  • Blend the dates with the oats, bananas and oil until smooth
  • Mix the cocoa powder with 200ml boiling water to form a smooth paste
  • Beat the cocoa, flour, bicarbonate of soda and yoghurt into the blended dates, oats & banana
  • Grease and line 2 x 8" cake tins (I actually used 3 so that we could have a sampler cake)
  • Divide the mixture between the tins & smooth the tops
  • Place in a preheated 160C oven for 50-60 minutes (cooking time will depend on the size of the tins used & the thickness of the batter), until a skewer comes out clean when inserted
  • Allow to cool in the tins for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely

Frosting & Filling

300g full fat cream cheese
100g Thorntons diabetic vanilla toffee
75g Thorntons dark diabetic chocolate
  • Add the toffee to a microwaveable bowl with 2 tbsp water
  • Microwave on short bursts, stirring regularly, until the toffee has melted 
  • Beat the toffee together with half of the cream cheese and sandwich between 2 sponges
  • Add the chocolate to a microwaveable bowl and heat in short stirring regularly, until the chocolate has melted 
  • Beat the chocolate together with the remaining half of the cream cheese and spread over the top of the cake

Diabetic Toffee & Chocolate Cake

We really enjoyed our sample cake and it was delicious with a little of the toffee filling spread over it. Unfortunately we didn't get to try a slice of the birthday cake but I would be happy to make this again as all of my children liked it, especially with a little ice cream. Unfortunately the birthday girl wasn't as keen (but I'm not supposed to know that as she told my daughter not to tell me, shhhh). It's definitely not a cake for someone with a massive sweet tooth but for someone that needs to cut down on their sugar intake it is a very good compromise.

The texture of the cake is kind of like a brownie and quite nutty, and would be perfect with a spoonful of clotted cream!

Diabetic Chocolate Cake


  1. Looks gorgeous as always, but.... Tell your friends Little girl that full sugar chocolate is fine for type 1, so long as you count the carbs. Diabetic chocolates predominantly used for type 2. I am making Molly a chocolate cake tonight covered in chocolate fingers and smarties. Xx

    1. she does have the good stuff too...I think it's all a bit of trial & error at the moment :-/ Molly's cake sounds great, I think one of those will be on order next year!! x

  2. This recipe is especially welcome for me as I come from a family of diabetics. During special occasions we struggle to find diverging for my dad to enjoy, there are a couple of places that do diabetic Mithai. We will be trying this recipe out, thanks for sharing xx

  3. looks delicious and what big sponges x


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