You can't beat the taste of home-made chips. I can still remember now the ones my Mum used to make before she went healthy and ditched the deep fat fryer in favour of the new fandangled oven chips when they came onto the market.
I've only ever owned a deep fat fryer once, when we lived in the US, and would cook 'proper chips' on a Friday as American fries were just not the same. I don't own one now so if we have chips it's usually from the local chippy or I make them myself in the oven, and they really are just as good as fried.
I never bother peeling the potatoes as it's much too time consuming and I don't see the point in wasting the lovely skin. I just slice the potatoes and cut them into chips, then wash them thoroughly and drain them .
Heat the oven to around 200 C, add a generous glug of olive oil to a large baking tin and pop it in the oven for 5-10 minutes to heat up.
Add the potatoes and toss in the olive oil to coat them fully and pop the tin back in the oven for around 35-45 minutes depending on how thick the chips are, tossing them a couple of times during this time.
Jack demonstrates here how to eat a hot chip!
(by the way he isn't 3, he just chose to put this t-shirt on when he came home from a party and got changed to play in the garden)