The Crazy Kitchen: Laptops, Photography and Thai Turkey Curry

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Thursday, 2 May 2013

Laptops, Photography and Thai Turkey Curry

I've been a little quiet on here this past week, not completely quiet but anyone that knows me knows that I'm never completely quiet. You see, my laptop died a miserable death a few days ago with the blue screen of death announcing its sudden demise.  The timing was impeccable, happening just as I'd entered all passport details for myself and my friend for our flights next week for our few days away with other friends. I blame Ryanair totally.

I immediately called upon a very helpful local man who sounded quite positive that he would, at the least, be able to retrieve all the data from the hard drive. Well he sounded positive until I mentioned the noise coming from the machine when I turned it on. His upbeat tone disappeared slightly to be replaced by his 'let's try and be positive' voice. Two days later the bad news call came, despite numerous efforts the data couldn't be retrieved from the hard drive, it was well and truly stuck. For an extortionate amount of money it could be sent away for one last attempt, but with no guarantees. I decided not to go down that route and instead I am learning by my massive mistake of not backing anything up. I don't think I've lost any photos as one of the many useful things I learnt at the weekend whilst on a photography course is that even if you delete photos from your SD card you can still retrieve them with some special software.

Talking of the photography course, here is a selection of photos that I took during the day on the grounds of Shugborough Hall, Staffs.

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I now know how to take reasonable photos off the Auto setting, so just need to practice lots. I think Jack was sick of me practising on him so he decided to set up a few props for me to photograph instead.

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Now onto the main reason for this post before I wittered on about laptops and photography, Thai Turkey Curry. This is an amazingly simple recipe, and very quick to prepare and we all loved it. Oh and did I mention that I have a new laptop, but not just any laptop - I have a Macbook Pro, thanks to my good friend Hannah and her eagle eyed husband who spotted a great deal.

Thai Turkey Curry - serves 4

1 tbsp Olive oil
1 red onion, sliced
2 tbsp thai red curry paste
1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced
350g turkey breast, cut into bite sized pieces
200g cream cheese
50 ml water
150g baby corn
Handful of fresh coriander

  • Heat the oil in a pan and add the onion and fry for 2 minutes until softened
  • Stir in the curry paste, sliced pepper and turkey pieces and cook for 4-5 minutes on a low heat until the turkey is cooked
  • Stir in the cream cheese, water and baby corn and heat through
  • Stir in the coriander just before serving

 photo thaiturkeycurry_zpsa6756f8f.jpg


  1. Ha ha, I love your props Jack set up :-)

  2. beautiful photos, and that curry looks lush!

  3. These photos are amazing, love the depth of field and the cheeky swans!

  4. thanks...yes it was surprisingly nice for being so quick!

  5. thanks...very pleased that I now know how to use my camera!

  6. Your Jack is so photogenic - I love the way little people are totally unfazed by cameras. Wish I was! Great photos all round and a tasty looking curry to boot!

  7. Katie @mummydaddyme6 May 2013 at 22:32

    I love everything about this post. Firstly that you got a Macbook Pro, I love mine lots. Secondly that you are taking your camera off auto (woo hoo!) and thirdly that your little Jack is such a cutie! x


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