The Crazy Kitchen: Fridge Bottom Soup

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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Fridge Bottom Soup

'Fridge Bottom' was a concept that I heard from Mum In The Madhouse, who makes a delicious looking fridge bottom curry. Fridge bottom soup is, as the name suggests, made using the vegetables left in the bottom of the fridge at the end of the week. I used to work in a restaurant and tomorrow's soup was always made from yesterday's vegetables and salad, and was always delicious.

The soup always has a different flavour depending on which vegetables are left. Butternut squash usually appears in there, along with carrots and onions. I've also used sprouts, cabbage, parsnips as well as the odd tomato and wilting rocket.

Combined with garlic and chicken or vegetable stock I cook in the slow cooker for a few hours and then blend until smooth. It makes a great after school meal on a Friday, as well as lunch on Saturday, served with home-made bread or pitta bread.




  1. We call it "Fridge Scrape" in our family. Also, if I have just one cup of casserole/curry/whatever left at the end of a meal, I add one cup of boiling water and blitz it with my hand blender and that makes soup for 2 of us for lunch the following day. [And half a cup of leftover rice or pasta will make it thicker]

    Love food, hate waste!

    Blessings xx

  2. yes I hate waste too - although the one cup of leftovers is usually the 3yr olds dinner for the following day as he always wants to eat before dinner is ready - great idea though!

  3. this is a great idea....I just hate to waste my groceries and veggies

  4. notyetayummymummy19 February 2013 at 20:08

    Ooooh I'm rubbish at using left overs so this is a great idea for me. i have however just purchased the finish tablets to wash the dishes so lets hope they work or my husband will blame you ha ha x

  5. That's a great idea!!

  6. Mummyandthebeastie23 February 2013 at 13:08

    This is a great idea, I just need more veg in the fridge! but it's usually always going off. I love soup and could eat it most days. Good tip on the wilting rocket, we never manage to finish a bag before it's wilted...x

  7. I love the name, my leftover soups will now be called fridge bottom soups!


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