The Crazy Kitchen: Lemon Turkey Risotto

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Sunday, 24 June 2012

Lemon Turkey Risotto

After going to BritMums on Friday / Saturday I missed doing my weekly 7am Saturday morning grocery shop this week so today it was a case of throwing together what we had left to make dinner. A bag or Arborio rice was located so risotto it was. I velveted the turkey before adding it to the risotto as this keeps it tender, something that's usually used in Chinese dishes.


1 Egg white
2 tsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp cornflour
425g Turkey breast, diced
Juice & zest of 1 lemon
375g Arborio risotto rice
200ml white wine
750ml stock
2 courgettes, finely diced
2 handfuls of frozen peas
oil for frying
75g cheddar cheese, grated
  • Mix the egg white and vinegar together
  • Stir in the turkey and coat completely 
  • Sprinkle over the cornflour and lemon zest and mix well until the turkey is completely coated, leave to marinate for 30 minutes
  • Heat oil in large pan and fry the turkey until no longer translucent but not browned, remove from pan & set aside
  • Heat some more oil in the pan and add the rice, stirring for a minute
  • Add the lemon juice and white wine, stir & replace lid 
  • When all the liquid has been absorbed add the turkey and approx 100ml of stock, keep adding more stock each time it has all been absorbed
  • After 10 minutes of cooking add the courgettes
  • Total cooking time will be approx 20-25 minutes, when the rice is cooked add the peas & stir through, replace lid and leave for approx 2-3 minutes
  • Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese before serving

Clean plates and another winning family dish in The Crazy Kitchen

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