The Crazy Kitchen: Ginger & Lemon Treacle Tart

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Monday, 3 October 2011

Ginger & Lemon Treacle Tart

Last week my husband brought home a marrow from work, a bloody great huge one! A woman at work gave it to him & how could he refuse, he thought I would love it! After tweeting the question of what to do with the marrow Galt Toys suggested Marrow Chutney. 


I love chutney, especially at Christmas with various cheeses so I started Googling recipes and then I had the problem of jars to store the chutney in - the recycling bin had only just been emptied so no chance of any old jam jars in there. I came across a website selling large jam jars for 73p each which I thought was reasonable, but even more reasonable is that Tesco (and Asda) are selling jam jars for only 22p each and at this bargain price the jar even comes filled with lemon curd! I'm not one to throw food away so now I'm trying to use up all the lemon curd before I get my chutney making under way.

First on the Lemon Curd Extravaganza list is Ginger & Lemon Treacle Tart.


250g Plain Flour
125g butter
100g icing sugar
1 egg, beaten
1-2 tbsp milk
425g Golden Syrup
175g Lemon Curd
185g Fresh Breadcrumbs - I used 3 stale Tiger rolls, whizzed up into crumbs
2 tsp ground ginger
1 lemon - juice & zest

  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees C
  • Rub the butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs (or throw it in your Kitchen Aid and mix on low)
  • Add the sugar & egg to form a dough - only add the milk if mixture is too dry. If you use wholemeal flour (like me) you may need more milk.
  • Roll out onto a floured surface to around 3mm thick & line a 9" tart/pie tin/plate. Make strips of pastry with the remainder to use for the top.
  • Blind bake the pastry for 20-25 minutes (cover with baking paper & baking beans or use another smaller pie plate)
  • Mix the golden syrup, lemon curd , lemon juice, zest , ginger & breadcrumbs together.
  • Pour syrup mixture into the pastry case and use the strips to make a lattice pattern over the top - bake for 40 minutes until golden & crisp.

As you can see mine hasn't got a lattice pattern, I thought it would be a good idea to use the leftover pastry to make jam tarts with Jack, forgetting that I needed to use it to make a lattice!


  1. Looks beautiful, shame I can't stand ginger or lemons!

  2. you are so fussy! Just leave out both & replace the lemon curd with more syrup..


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