The Crazy Kitchen: Simple Student Pasta

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Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Simple Student Pasta

The time has come for my final #RespectThePasta challenge with ASK Italian. This challenge was to involve the kids in something, so I took the opportunity to encourage my teenager to cook his own dinner. I do most, if not all, of the cooking in this house, but I really should encourage them more as they really quite enjoy it when they do.

I jotted down some basic instructions to cook the pasta, add the passata etc, and then left him to it. Twenty minutes later, he proudly presented his bowl of pasta.

Simple Student Pasta Simple Student Pasta

Simple Student Pasta - serves 3/4

500g Pasta
500g Passata
1 tsp dried Oregano
Grated cheese

  • Cook the pasta according to the directions on the pack, and drain
  • Add the passata and herbs to a pan and bring to the boil
  • Turn off the heat and stir in the cooked pasta
  • Divide between bowls and top with grated cheese to serve

I think this may be a weekly event now, and you never know, he may even make his own pasta one day.

#RespectThePasta Challenges

Challenge 1 - Respect the cook
Challenge 2 - Doing it right
Challenge 4 - Respect from scratch

 photo 140313respectthepastabloggersquare_zpse59c35d0.jpg

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