The Crazy Kitchen: Home-made Mini Peanut Butter Cups

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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Home-made Mini Peanut Butter Cups

I'm a little bit partial to peanut butter, it's one of my weaknesses, and like nothing more than peanut butter on a crumpet with a coffee in the morning. It's good with a banana, apple or celery too as well as a great thickener for curry (just don't tell the husband as he supposedly hates the stuff).

Unless you buy the 'whole' peanut butter then it usually has added sugar as well as other ingredients, and to be honest, I don't really think they need to add the sugar. I once watched a machine pumping out freshly made peanut butter in a deli in Pittsburgh and was amazed by it - the peanuts went in at the top and the peanut butter came out of the bottom, nothing added apart from a little oil.

I can now make my own peanut butter at home, albeit on a smaller scale than the machine I saw that day, thanks to the Peanut Butter Maker from find me a gift.

Not knowing how the machine would perform on my first attempt I just bought a cheap 200g packet of salted peanuts for 48p rather than more expensive unsalted roasted nuts.

home-made peanut butter

I set the machine up as per the instructions and popped a little sunflower oil in the oil dispenser before turning it on. The machine is quite loud and it spat a few bits of peanut out at me when I first turned it on, but after that it whirred and crunched away for a few minutes and produced a container of semi crunchy peanut butter. I say 'semi' crunchy as it seems to be half way between crunchy and smooth varieties. Hanna said 'it tastes just like peanut butter' - well would you fancy that! 

Unlike many home made versions of popular foods, this actually works out cheaper to make considering a 340g jar of SunPat is £1.79 and 400g of smart price peanuts only 96p, and there are no additives or sugar in it either - you could rinse the salt off the peanuts if you preferred but we like a little saltiness in our peanut butter. It's not just peanuts that you can use in the machine either - you can make your own nut butters out of any nuts that you like.

home made peanut butter

Apart from enjoying the peanut butter on crumpets I hadn't thought about what to do with it, until I spotted a picture of some Reese's peanut butter cups on Instagram and remembered that I had bought a mould a few months ago with the sole purpose of making some. They are really quite easy to make, as well as perhaps being a good way to ensure that you don't eat too many. Also, the husband loved them - I knew one day he would cave and eat peanut butter without it being disguised in a curry!

Home-made Mini Peanut Butter Cups

Home-made Mini Peanut Butter Cups

  • Melt some of your favourite chocolate
  • Pour a little chocolate into the base of each mould* & allow to set slightly
  • Spoon some of the home made peanut butter** into the mould
  • Cover with more melted chocolate
  • Allow to set fully before removing from the mould

* If you don't have a mould you could use mini cupcake cases
** I know some recipes out there call for sugar to be added to the peanut butter, as well as other ingredients, but I like the slightly salted taste of the peanut butter rather than a sweet taste, it goes well with the chocolate.

I was sent the Peanut Butter Maker for the purpose of this review

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