The Crazy Kitchen: Getting Creative with Cadbury

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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Getting Creative with Cadbury

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

Did you know that this coming week is National Chocolate Week? What better excuse do you need to put the diet on hold and indulge in one of our most popular foods that has been around for centuries.

I turned to Pinterest for some baking inspiration before I went shopping for some Cadbury Chocolate supplies and decided to make decorative chocolate bowl to take to a friend's house next weekend, filled with chocolates.

 photo chocbowl_zpsaaa9b0a6.jpg 

The idea looked easy on paper (or in this case the laptop screen), and I set about covering my bowl in foil, melting the chocolate and then piping it over the foil. As per the diagram I popped it into the freezer until it was set, ready to remove the bowl and peel the foil away, easy peasy.

Have you ever seen those 'Pinterest Fail' websites?

I present you with my exquisite chocolate bowl.....

chocolate bowl pinterest fail 

It was all going so well until I attempted to remove the bowl which had unfortunately decided not to budge. Time for a back up plan (another Pinterest idea) to re-melt the chocolate and use balloons to make edible bowls for the kids ice cream.

This time we had success (albeit not as neat as the original idea), but the kids loved them.

chocolate balloon bowl

Next up I needed to make some cakes for the swimming club fundraising bake sale. I suggested fridge cake to Hanna and she was confident that they would be a good seller.

Fridge Cake with Cadbury Treatsize Fridge Cake with Cadbury Treatsize Fridge Cake with Cadbury Treatsize

Fridge Cake with Cadbury Treatsize

250g Cadbury Dairy Milk
50g Butter
1 tbsp Golden syrup
125g Cadbury Chocolate fingers, broken up
Cadbury Treatsize bars - 4 each of Fudge, Chomp, Curly Wurly & Buttons
  • Line a small baking pan (approx 26cm x 16cm) with greaseproof paper
  • Melt the Dairy Milk, butter & golden syrup in a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water 
  • Remove from heat & stir in the broken chocolate fingers
  • Add half of the mixture to the lined baking pan
  • Lay the fudge, chomp & curly wurl bars over the mixture & add the remaining mixture on the top
  • Decorate with the buttons before placing in the fridge until completely set
  • Slice into squares or bars

With all this chocolate around I knew the family would be disappointed if I didn't make them a cake too, and with it being Dacquoise week in The Great British Bake Off it would be rude not to attempt one wouldn't it! I adapted Mary Berry's Hazelnut Dacquoise recipe for the meringue layers.

Cadbury Chocolate Dacquoise Cadbury Chocolate Dacquoise
Cadbury Chocolate Dacquoise

200g ground almonds
25g Cocoa powder
25g Cornflour
300g Caster sugar
6 Egg whites
pinch salt

250g Cadbury Fruit & Nut
150ml Double cream
200g Full fat cream cheese

To decorate
12 Cadbury Twirl bites
  • Mix together the almonds, cocoa powder, cornflour & 100g of the caster sugar in a bowl
  • Whisk the egg whites and salt with an electric mixer until they form soft peaks
  • Add the remaining caster to the egg whites with the motor still running, 1 tbsp at a time
  • Continue whisking until stiff & glossy
  • Fold in the nut mixture until well combined
  • Using a piping bag with a plain nozzle pipe 3 large swirls onto greaseproof paper (each approx 20cm in diameter)
  • Bake in a preheated 130C oven for 1 hour
  • Turn the oven off & leave to cool for 45 minutes with the oven door open
To make the filling
  • Add the chocolate & cream to a large heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water & stir until melted
  • Remove from the heat & beat in the cream cheese
  • Refrigerate for approx 20 minutes & then whisk until thick (if it isn't thick enough to support itself then place in the fridge for another 10 minutes before whisking again)
To assemble
  • Pipe 12 blobs of filling onto the top meringue layer 
  • Pipe the remaining filling onto the other 2 layers
  • Layer the middle layer onto the base & the top layer onto the middle
  • Add a Twirl bite onto each blog of filling on the top layer
  • Refrigerate before serving

Cadbury Chocolate Dacquoise

How will you be celebrating National Chocolate Week?

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