The Crazy Kitchen: Roasted Vegetable Pasta Bake

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Monday, 23 January 2012

Roasted Vegetable Pasta Bake

I have this Aunt, I've mentioned her before on here. She occasionally helps me out with a spot of cooking when I'm in a hurry. This Christmas she helped me out with the sprouts and swede & carrot mash as she knows that I prefer to be drinking fizz enjoying time with the children on Christmas morning rather than peeling and mashing. From time to time she also makes us a lovely lemon meringue pie.

Today my dear Aunt Bessie made a lovely Roasted Vegetable stuffing, which I decided to use in an easy peasy pasta bake. The kids (except Jack) loved it, Sam asked for seconds & wants it again tomorrow. 

You will need:

Aunt Bessies Roasted Vegetable Stuffing Mix
tbsp olive oil
Chopped onions - did you know you can buy these ready chopped & frozen..genius idea!
Sliced Mushrooms - ready sliced & frozen too!
tin of chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp tomato puree
100ml water from the cooked pasta
grated cheese

  • Make the stuffing up as per directions on the box

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  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions & mushrooms gently

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  • Add the stuffing and cook for 1 minute

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  • Add the tinned tomatoes, water and tomato puree, stir until combined

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  • Mix with the cooked pasta and pour into a large baking dish and cover with grated cheese
  • Bake in a 190 degree (C) oven for 15-20 minutes until browned

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