The Crazy Kitchen: Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw

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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw

After seeing Steph's lovely Waldorf style chicken lettuce wraps I was reminded that I hadn't had Waldorf salad for ages and planned to make it the very next day. Sadly someone *looks in the direction of the husband* had eaten the last of the apples, and I didn't have any celery anyway. I did, however, have a couple of pears that would have turned to mush had they been in the fruit basket a moment longer, and decided to make a pear/ginger/lemon/cabbage/walnut combo.

Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw

Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw - serves 4/5

1/2 white cabbage, sliced
2 pears, cored & sliced
1-2 tbsp Mayonnaise
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tsp ground ginger
handful of walnuts

  • Add the cabbage and pear to a large bowl and toss together
  • Mix the mayonnaise with the lemon juice and ginger & pour into the bowl and mix well
  • Stir in the walnuts

Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw

We enjoyed the coleslaw with bbq pork loin steaks. The rest of the family had a baked potato with it, I had courgette 'spaghetti' with garlic and chilli.

Ginger, Pear and Walnut Coleslaw

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