The Crazy Kitchen: Barbecued Fruit Sundae

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Wednesday 28 May 2014

Barbecued Fruit Sundae

Where did all that sunshine go? A couple of weeks ago the weather was glorious and now it's just back to miserable British weather again. Despite this unpredictable weather we have been using our barbecue quite a lot, mainly because it saves on the washing up, as well as keeping those lingering cooking smells outside. We have a gas barbecue which is really handy, come rain or shine, as it heats up in minutes as well as having a lid to keep the rain off the food!

Whilst I was cooking up some chops the other day I decided to pop some pineapple and banana on for dessert.

I sliced the banana, lay it on foil and drizzled it with a little Maple syrup and sprinkled over some cinnamon.

I sliced the pineapple lengthways, lay it on foil and drizzled with Maple syrup.

Barbecued Fruit

The foil parcels were tightly wrapped and placed on the barbecue whilst the meat was cooking. Once the meat was done I turned the barbecue off and left the parcels on to keep warm until they were needed.

To make the sundae the fruit was layered up in a sundae glass, with a scoop of ice cream and then topped with squirty cream and some of the syrup from the cooked fruit. The kids practically inhaled them!

Barbecued Fruit Sundae

I was provided with some Clarks Maple Syrup to use in my cooking

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