The Crazy Kitchen: Cooking With Your Toddler - Crispy Coconut Snowballs

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Friday, 9 December 2011

Cooking With Your Toddler - Crispy Coconut Snowballs

We have been sent a box of Honey Monster Snowy Puffs to try out so I thought we should come up with a recipe as we did for the Spooky Puffs at Halloween. I decided on a very simple crispy cake recipe that only uses 3 ingredients.

You will need :

75g Snowy Puffs
75g Dessicated Coconut
150g White chocolate

  • Mix the snowy puffs and coconut together
  • Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl in the microwave in 30 second bursts until melted.
  • Pour the chocolate over the dry ingredients and mix well
  • Spoon into paper or silicon muffin cases and refrigerate until set.
  • Turn the snowballs out of the case & enjoy!
    Photobucket Photobucket
They reminded me of the crispy outer casing of the coconut Ferrero Rocher and if you like coconut you should like these

The Crazy Kitchen

We were provided with a box of Snowy puffs to try.

1 comment:

  1. I missed this too mind you i was washing lots of clothes this day!! I love coconut and ferrero rochea so would enjoy these :0
    Thanks for linking these too x


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