The Crazy Kitchen: Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise

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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise

We managed to get a great haul of onions from our allotment a couple of weeks ago, which were dried out in the garage before my first attempt at stringing them up (which you can see here).

I've been using them in cooking as and when I've needed them, and I also plan to make some caramelised onion chutney in the next week or so, but in the meantime I made something quite delicious that I'd spotted on Pinterest some time ago. Bacon Onion Rings.

Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. Juicy onion rings surrounded by crispy bacon - pure genius.

Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise

I made some garlic mayonnaise to accompany them, using Calvia rapeseed oil (you can find my recipe for Honey Fruit Cake made using Calvia honey, here), which gives the mayo an amazing colour.

Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise

Bacon Onion Rings
2 large onions
8 rashers of dry cured streaky bacon
  • slice two thick slices from each onion
  • remove the centre of the onion slices, leaving around 3 rings
  • place the onion rings in a microwavable bowl and cover with milk (this softens the onions)
  • cook on full power until the milk boils
  • remove the onion rings from the milk & drain on kitchen paper
  • wrap the bacon tightly around the onion, using 2 rashers per ring
  • secure with cocktail sticks
  • place on a wire rack on a baking tray
  • bake in a preheated 225C oven for approx 15 minutes, until browned & crispy

serve immediately (I challenge you to try & keep some for later!)

Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise
1 egg
200ml rapeseed oil
juice of half a lemon
pinch of salt
1 garlic clove, crushed
  • add all the ingredients to a tall container (jug or wide glass)
  • blend with a stick blender until thick & creamy

Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise Bacon Onion Rings with Rapeseed Garlic Mayonnaise

If you're in the Cheshire/Manchester area you can find stockists of Calvia here, or buy online here.

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