The Crazy Kitchen: Minced Lamb & Ale Hotpot

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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Minced Lamb & Ale Hotpot

Wow, what's happened to the weather recently? Suddenly it feels like we've been transported into full blown winter, and the heating has started coming on in the morning despite the thermostat being set very low.

It's definitely time for soups and stews now so I decided to christen my new casserole dish with a warming minced lamb hotpot, using a few products provided by Unilever.

Minced Lamb & Ale Hotpot

Minced Lamb & Ale Hotpot

1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
Knorr beef stock cube
Knorr Paprika pot
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
500g minced lamb
2 tbsp plain flour
350ml Ale
4 potatoes
2 parsnips
2 tbsp Flora Buttery, melted
salt & pepper

  • Heat the oil in a large ovenproof casserole dish
  • Add the onion and fry for 3-4 minutes, until softened
  • Add the stock cube, paprika pot and garlic
  • Mix well and fry for 1 minute
  • Add the mince and fry until browned
  • Add the flour and fry for a further minute whilst stirring all the time
  • Add the ale and bring to the boil
  • Simmer whilst preparing the potatoes and parsnips
  • Slice the potatoes and parsnips about 1/2cm thick - no need to peel them
  • Lay slices of potato and parsnip onto the mince and brush with melted butter & season with salt & pepper
  • Place a lid on and bake in a 170C oven for 45 minutes
  • Remove the lid and bake for a further 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are lightly browned
Minced Lamb & Ale Hotpot

Serve with crispy baked Kale.

Minced Lamb & Ale Hotpot

I was provided with a hamper of Unilever ingredients for use in this recipe

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