The Crazy Kitchen: Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings

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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings

After watching Bake Off last night I knew exactly what I was going to bake this week, and it wasn't going to be 36 doughnuts or Povitica. I love making cinnamon buns, but as they don't have fruit in, and I have a load of windfall apples to use, I decided to pimp up my regular cinnamon buns with an apple & raisin filling and a toffee drizzle.

Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings

Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings - makes 2 rings / 12 buns

500g white bread flour
1/2 tsp salt
50g caster sugar
50g butter, softened
7g yeast
225-250ml milk
1 egg

4 apples
Juice of half lemon
75g raisins
25g butter
25g soft brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
extra butter for greasing

Toffee sauce - recipe here
  • Add the flour, salt, sugar, butter & yeast to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a flat beater
  • Add the egg and 225ml of the milk with the motor running, until it all starts to come together, adding more milk if necessary
  • You want the dough to be slightly sticky, but not wet
  • Turn out onto a floured surface & knead for 5-10 minutes, until soft, stretchy and smooth
  • Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover with clingfilm
  • Leave to double in size for approx 2 hours
  • In the meantime peel, core & slice the apples
  • Add the apples to a pan with the lemon juice, raisins, butter, sugar and cinnamon
  • Heat until the butter has melted, and mix well
  • Place a lid on & cook gently for 10 minutes, until the apple has softened but holds its shape
  • Leave to cool & then drain any excess juice
  • Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and roll out into a large rectangle
  • Cover evenly with the apple mixture
  • Roll up tightly into a long sausage
  • Slice the ends off and then slice into 12 equal pieces
  • Grease two 8" sandwich tins with butter
  • Lay 6 slices into each tin
  • Cover with clingfilm and leave to prove for an hour
  • Brush the tops of the dough with melted butter
  • Bake in a preheated 200C oven for approx 15 minutes
  • Allow to cool in the tins for 10 minutes before turning out & drizzling with toffee sauce
Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings Toffee Apple Cinnamon Bun Rings

GreatBloggersBakeOff  photo BAKE_ALONG_LOGO_zps284c894d.png

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