The Crazy Kitchen: Taking the Sunshine on Holiday

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Sunday, 27 July 2014

Taking the Sunshine on Holiday

Last week we enjoyed a break in the Isle of Wight. It was a bit of a rush with Sam only arriving back from his trip to France with the school at 10.30pm, leaving me little time to get his clothes washed before we left for Southampton at 7.30 the following morning.

As usual the contents of the boot of the car fitted together like a precision cut jigsaw, however, I made sure that there was room for my bottles of Lindeman's wine.

 photo 6_zps70b06228.jpg

Whilst away I cooked a family meal for us and our friends who were holidaying on the same site. I'd planned the meal before going, taking a risk that everyone would like what I had planned.

Pulled pork
Baked potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Crusty Bread

Pulled Pork Family Meal
I would never make a teacher with blackboard writing that bad!

There was a fussy one amongst us, my friend's 15 year old son, who didn't like the sound of pulled pork but said he would give it a try anyway. His mum wasn't much better, declaring 'I don't usually like pork, but for you I will try it'.

I usually cook my pulled pork in the slow cooker but didn't have the boot space to take it on holiday so had planned to oven roast it. Thankfully there was a slow cooker in my friend's [posher] caravan that was large enough for the 2kg of pork that I'd bought. It's such an easy recipe and a perfect dish to make if you're going to be out all day as it can be cooked all day in the slow cooker and then shredded just before serving, or can be made in advance and reheated.
Pulled Pork Family Meal

Pulled Pork - serves 8-10 

2kg Pork shoulder 
2 quantities of bbq rub (used here for ribs - I made it at home & took it with me in a zip lock bag)
2 onions, sliced in half around the middle
3 cloves of garlic, peeled
125ml cola or Dr pepper
bbq sauce

  • Rub the bbq rub all over the pork shoulder & leave in the fridge overnight if you can
  • Preheat a slow cooker and place the onions into the base, along with the garlic cloves
  • Place the pork on top and pour over the cola
  • Cook on high for around 6 hours, or until the pork falls apart
  • Take the pork out and remove the fat
  • Set aside some of the juices for later
  • Using two forks shred the pork
  • Mix around 100ml of the juices with an equivalent quantity of bbq sauce and spoon over the pork - you want it to be moist but not dripping in sauce

Pulled Pork Family Meal

For dessert I made a lemon and berry cheesecake, with ice cream and a selection of sprinkles for the kids to enjoy. I took a muffin pan with me as I knew there wouldn't be enough bowls in the caravan to serve all the sprinkles and sauces and this is an idea I've seen a few times for serving things like this, and more recently I saw Lucy using it at her amazing pink party (unfortunately no fancy scoops for me).

Pulled Pork Family Meal Pulled Pork Family Meal - Lemon & Berry Cheesecake

You can find my cheesecake recipe here. This time I didn't add any strawberries to the inside of the cheesecake and topped with fresh strawberries and frozen (and thawed) mixed berries.

The meal went down a storm! the fussy one absolutely LOVED the pulled pork, as did his Mum. I will forgive him for not wanting to try the cheesecake though as it meant more for the rest of us!

We enjoyed a bottle (or two) of Lindeman's Bin 35 Rosé (my current favourite from the Bin range) with our meal, and it was particularly delicious with the dessert.

A couple of days later I fancied a Sangria but unfortunately there wasn't a jug large enough to make it in, so I called upon my [limited] craft skills and improvised.

diy Sangria jug

Sangria to cool me down in the heat whilst the kids were kept busy with sidewalk chalk.

I am working together with Lindeman's to help spread news of their wines

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