The Crazy Kitchen: Best Ever Chocolate Cake (version 2)

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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Best Ever Chocolate Cake (version 2)

At the weekend I had the urge to make a cake, possibly something to do with the cold weather, or maybe the bottle of fizz that I'd consumed the night before. I didn't have any Greek yoghurt or chocolate spread to make my 'best ever chocolate cake' so I improvised with what I had in the cupboards, as there was no way I could buy what I needed as we were snowed in. Well maybe 'snowed in' is a bit dramatic but I definitely didn't fancy taking the risk for the sake of a cake. The result was just as good as the best ever chocolate cake and lasted only a day - just don't tell my kids that 2 of their chocolate reindeer's went into making it!


Best Ever Chocolate Cake (version 2)

175g Stork for baking
175g Soft Dark brown sugar
150g Self Raising Flour
25g Cocoa Powder
1 tbsp Baking Powder
3 Eggs
1 Milk Chocolate Reindeer (120g), melted
50ml Almond Milk

200g Full Fat Cream Cheese
1 Milk Chocolate Reindeer (120g), melted
3-4 tbsp Almond Milk
  • Beat the Stork & sugar
  • Sift the flour, cocoa & baking powder together
  • Add the dry ingredients along with the eggs, melted chocolate and milk
  • Beat well until combined
  • Divide mixture between 2 x 8" round pans that have been greased & lined with baking parchment
  • Bake in a 180 C oven for approx 25 minutes, until the tops are springy
  • Leave to cool slightly before removing from the tins & allowing to cool fully on a wire rack
  • Beat the cream cheese, melted chocolate and almond milk together
  • Sandwich the 2 cakes together with half of the icing and use the rest to spread over the top
  • Decorate as desired - I used red M&M's


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