The Crazy Kitchen: Peanut Butter Cup Cups

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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Peanut Butter Cup Cups

Eating chocolate in the Summer can sometimes be a bit messy so here's a great way to eat your Peanut Butter Cups or Rolo's without getting chocolate all over your fingers.....well that's my excuse.

I saw the recipe for these on Tara's blog, Sticky Fingers, here and made them for the sole purpose of using up some Reese's peanut butter cups that my Mum had bought us from the US and some condensed milk caramel that I had left over from cupcake baking.

We didn't manage to make as many as Tara said so I suspect our mini muffin pan was too big but no-one was complaining.

You will need :

200g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
75g butter, softened
25g ground almonds
50g caster sugar
1 egg
splash of milk
peanut butter cups/rolos/condensed milk caramel - or chocolate spread as per Tara's recipe

  • Beat the flour, cocoa powder, butter, almonds, sugar & egg together until it comes together
  • Add a splash of milk until it comes together in a ball
  • Make smaller balls and pop them into your mini muffin/tart pan and press each one to form a cup.....if you're not as posh as the Sticky Fingers household and don't have a 'tart shaper' then use the end of a small rolling pin or similar - we used the handle of a pizza roller - I bet you don't have one of those Tara!
  • Add your peanut butter cups/caramel/rolos/chocolate spread or whatever else you're using
  • Bake in a preheated 180 degree (C) oven for approx 10 minutes
  • Allow to cool on a cooling rack

Note: don't try and eat the caramel filled ones as soon as they've come out of the oven or you may get a burnt lip, don't then attempt to carry the fragile molten filled cup across the kitchen to put in the freezer for faster cooling or it may end in a sticky mess on the floor.*

* of course this is hypothetical, it didn't actually happen to me *cough*

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