The Crazy Kitchen: Quick Sausage Paella........with Leftover BBQ Sausages

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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Quick Sausage Paella........with Leftover BBQ Sausages

I'm not one to waste food & often find a use for leftovers. Luckily the family are used to my concoctions and seem to enjoy (most of) them.

My latest 'quick n easy use up the leftovers' meal is a Chicken & Sausage Paella, using the day befores (slightly charred) Pork & Herb sausages and  2 packs of Asda Quick Cook Paella Savoury Rice, priced at 54p each.


1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium courgette, chopped
1 medium green pepper, chopped
4 large mushrooms, sliced
chopped Garlic
650ml cold water (if using 2 packs)
A few (slightly charred) Sausages
Few strips of Asda frozen cooked chicken strips (I added this as there wasn't a lot of sausage to go around 5)

  • Fry off the onion, pepper, courgette,mushrooms & garlic for a minute or so.
  • Add the Savoury Rice Mix
  • Add around 100ml of water at a time & stir, when it has all been absorbed keep adding around 100ml at a time until it has all been absorbed.
  • Stir in the chicken strips (if using) & chopped sausage.
  • Put a lid on & leave on a low heat until the chicken & sausage has been warmed through.

Enjoy with a side salad or vegetables, or if you're like my kids they love to have Cauliflower Cheese with it.

It's also really nice (apparently) if you add cooked prawns instead of the sausages, but I'm not much of a seafood fan so you'll have to take my husband and daughters word for that.


  1. Mmmmm I have just eaten, but that looks goooood!!

  2. M M Mmmmmmmmmm. I'm always partial to a bit of paella and this looks divine...x


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