The Crazy Kitchen: Cooking With Your Toddler - Goats Cheese and Tomato Tart

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Friday, 9 September 2011

Cooking With Your Toddler - Goats Cheese and Tomato Tart

After a long break I feel it's time to bring Cooking With Your Toddler back to The Crazy Kitchen. 2 1/2 year old Jack loves to help around the kitchen doing his chores, cooking and washing up - start them young I say!

Cooking with your little ones is a good way to get fussy toddlers to try different foods. Jack is quite fussy, although he does eat lots of fruits, salad and vegetable (even olives) but he rarely eats his evening meal.


This week we have made a Goats Cheese and Tomato Tart, a very simple recipe to get the little ones involved.


Puff Pastry Sheet - we used ready rolled
4 tbsp Tomato Puree or Pasta Sauce or Pesto - we used some homemade ratatouille 
150g Goats Cheese - we used garlic & herb Soft Goats Cheese
8-10 cherry tomatoes, halved
Fresh or dried herbs

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C

  • Lay the puff pastry sheet flat on a baking sheet and cover with your chosen base, leaving around 1 inch gap around the edge

  • Arrange the Goats Cheese on top


  • And then the cherry Tomatoes (spread out a little by Mummy)


  • Sprinkle with a few herbs or ripped fresh Basil leaves



  • Bake in the oven for around 20 minutes




And did Jack eat all his tea? ...... No, just the salad! but everyone else loved it.

Please check back every Friday for more 'Cooking With Your Toddler' recipes. On the last Friday of the month I will include a Linky where you can add your own Cooking With Your Toddler posts. In weeks to come I will also have some great giveaways.

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  1. Looks yummy! what a great idea! Can't wait for next week! x

  2. Right missus, I'm going this. Maybe not exactly that recipe because we don't tend to buy goat's cheese, but I'm getting some filo pastry and we're making a parcel to eat for our tea! And then I'm linking up when it's live!

  3. ooh get you with your filo pastry parcels !!


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